Superstars like Loreful Doug Duguay, and David Auker make the razor SHARP. |
Ian Connor towed, Cyclisme followed. |
Insuring winter training be at it's best,
Cyclisme Racing Programs has called up some of it's most famous racers in THE LORE.
Historic hitters like Steve Martine, Doug Duguay, David Auker, and today, Ian Connor have brought vim and verve to bone chilling training this January.
Smile. |
Skill. |
Speed. |
Easy. |
Pete Smith, Joel McCarthy, and Eddie Wang love hot soup. |
Tim and Ian have been friends for 20 years. |
Garrison Grummel engineered a repair on the motopace mirror.
Codi made everything happen from video salsa to cliff bar soup. |
Always having fun, Ian Connor jumped for joy. |