Monday, January 29, 2018

Crepes, bon jour!

Famous kids' mentor, Ken Legros.

Keeping it FRENCH.

Park Place Cafe serves crepes and espresso.
A bike path starts the ride.
Our hotess et animateur is the owner Gisele Elkhal. With fond memories of life as a cycliste herself, she and her son's shop are a fabulous find.

A great ride starts with a great meeting spot. We changed ours to the Park Place Cafe out in the Rockwood District to make a push out in to Larch Mountain and the Bull Run Valley.

Our junior chases on.

Well positioned 
a short distance from the eastern edge of Portland's Urban Growth Boundary, the cafe sits directly on a tributary path of Portland's bigger bike path system. Dumping the team out on 201st and Halsey, the path makes easy ride direction for our guests.

Portland traffic has become so dense, that it is a real asset to move our start out toward the edge of town.

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