Approaching the twilight of a season in which the pace of the race calender has been casual, if not leisurely when compared to the intensity of Squadra Cyclisme years past, the display of athletes and athleticism in last Tuesday Night's Masters/Juniors was as classy as anything inThe Lore.
Moreover, the Team Morale was high, as everyone was happy to see one another, and ready to put the hammer down on the competition. With so many big name racers out of town or elsewhere on Portland's busy Tuesday Night, Cyclisme speed took the event in just about every category.
Word RCB was the life of the show with the only pop up tent (presented by River City) on the infield, and a bigger turn out than Portland Velo and Half Fast - who normally rule the event.This time they were very kind hosts, who got in step with our noisy example by calling out times for all to hear. Then finally there was our race winning prowess. With all of the Juniors cheering, and our many coaches coaching, we made the neighbors think it was an international event.
The format was two events. 500m and 1k.
Listed below are the racers and the times of the "Word RCB, by Cyclisme".
Cindy Campbell 56.13
Willy Campbell 51.78
Robin Jacobson 51.49
Alex White 49.48
Gillian Bergmann 47.62
Dan Dhounau 44.27
Tim Bergmann 43.20
Fergus Kinnel 42.86
Jaden Salama 41.60
1 Kilo
Cindy Campbell 154.52
Willy Campbell 153.68
Robin Jacobson 144.11
Alex White 140.30
Gillian Bergmann 139.83
Tim Bergmann 130.23 then 130.62
Fergus Kinnel 127.55
Jaden Salama 127.52
Dan Dhounau 127.27
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