Monday, June 22, 2009

Confluence of a Cyclisme


Teams form within disciplines and our athletes reveal their abilities in every sort of OBRA event.

All the fundamentals 
are in place.

Teams are 
now finding 

best form on the track, in road races, and on the short track.

See it in a new group 
of category 5 Track guys 
within  Aubery, Cameron, Dishes, Rob, being ,  reinforced by Chip Ross, Fergus Kinnel, and Dave Wingard as they introduce Juniors Lee and Pellman.

See it 
in the Monday Night Short track contingent led by Greg O'Brien 
charging hard for lofty goals.

 Volcano busters Jake Hansen, Mike Mann, big Dave Wingard, and Stephen Bedford climb Tabor weekly.

Wingard, Word, and Kinnel enrich the lives of youth while discovering the velodrome themselves on Tuesday Nights 
at Alpenrose in the Velodrome bowl.

Young Juniors  groomed on Portland streets this winter by a plethora of mentors including Dana Golden, and Greg O'Brien. Aubery, Cameron, Jake and Bedford did a lion's share as well; instilling base fitness before trips to Mountain bike territory in the cars of the Mt. Bike guys changed the life of Naiqwan "Angel' Pellman.

Jake, Alex, and Bedford in the 4s on the Track. Word and Deardorf are 3s. O'Brien scores in the short track Master's 1s.

If a few missing faces add to our ranks where they can, we will have a perfect storm.

Crit season is next.

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