No, I mean big!
A big number of folks, road a big distance and made their quadriceps really big.
And the way they rode was, well, big.
Everyone rode well - clean lines, alert minds, and with high spirits.
"they seem like a great bunch of guys," said Bruno Schultz who volunteered to hand out food, and pump up Randy Word's tires every half mile.
Some may of noticed that we didn't have enough food, and that of course was because not everyone brought something to kick into the pantry. Thanks to Greg Obrien however, for all those organic fig newtons. They saved us.
A good racer drinks before she is thirsty and eats before she is hungry.
Will Cortez impressed everyone as he rode right to his limit with a big smile always. Jake, Alex, and of course Randy were too strong for their booties, and were a great big help to me as I put them on rear guard push-up detail that in the future we should refer to as tail--dog charlie. (just ask Bruno)
Bottom line is:
If you get tired of pushing with one hand, switch.
Also: A guy I know, showed up as one of Randy's friends but I raced with him in 1987. So savvy, he was silly, but slick. He name was Eberhardt. Keep an eye out for him.