Marching out late in the afternoon Sunday left everyone with an sense of excitement and a bit of urgency.
Good omen abounded though and one was a happy little buddhist monk who appeared as we formed our first big paceline because he just so happened to be out walking on the top of Skyline Blvd at dusk.
Danny and Paris had big rides and Glen though suffering an uncomfortable position attacked almost constantly.
Alex Lightman now on his new bike, looks faster and more comfortable than ever.
The Rock Creek valley offered all it's usual charm. Skyline is as brutal as ever, and coming back on Highway 30 in the dark was just insane.
Two big wrong turns made for 57 miles quick.
So lives the tradition of the Lore.
We almost descended to hillsboro! that was such an intense ride, even though glen and alex had to push me part of the way past stroheckers
I see a cyclocross bike in the mix. Excellent!
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