Monday, August 23, 2010

Cyclisme casts a long shadow in Oregon!

Bedford wins Silver at Crit Champs!

Searing speeds and styly spectators
set the scene at the Oregon Criterium Champs
in old downtown Albany Oregon.

While Bedford and Jake met up with their folks, crazy Ironclad guys flipped me off, and sweetly smart strawberry blondes blessed me with beauty.

Working with his trusty team-mate Jake,
Stephen made the pace hot, and went on to get second, just a few inches behind Stephen Beardsley
of the Gentle Lovers. The Gentle Lovers won the event for an unprecedented 3rd year in a row.

Despite the fact Euro pro of Tour de France fame, Aaron Olson was home to see his folks and maybe get some laundry done, the pace was too hot even for him to go off the front. His incredible time trial ability did however change the way the race went down, as Jake was away for sure with some big dogs, Aaron Olson awoke and chased bridging monstrously.

Lore surrounded the scene as Alex Lightman won in the 3s while Justin Serna blocked for him and their Guiness Jersey. Pat Malach took great photos and wrote great prose for the Oregon Cycling Action blog.

All the racers in the bottom picture
were reared by the four edicts of Cyclisme;
Benevolence, Good Form, Simplicity, and Team.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bedford! That is great! Someone needs to catch that Beardsley.

Greg said...

Nice job guys! Great racing once again. Hope to see you soon.